Dosomething.Org wrote an article titled "Change-Maker in Women's History: Annie Leibovitz" They stated how she "has changed the face of photography, balancing commercial and museum-worthy photography throughout her career and in fact, blending the two brilliantly." Her career started at a young age when she returned home to the United States from Israel, and she "applied for a job with the then start-up rock mag, Rolling Stone. She got the job as staff photographer and two years later, at just 23-years-old, she was promoted to Chief Photographer for the blossoming magazine."

Photographer - Annie Leibovitz
Source -
Year Created - 2010
Subject's Expression - The woman in the photograph seems very relaxed and happy. It was actually a self-portrait but she did an exceptional job of making it appear as natural as possible. The fact that she is aiming a camera at the camera; while she is taking a self-portrait is pretty unique.
Obvious Main Subject - The main subject in this picture is the woman being photographed; she takes up approximately 1/3 of the total viewing area. Nothing in the image is crowded and there isn't much that could be left out.
In or out of Focus - The main object (woman) in the photograph appears sharp and clear, while the background is purposely left blurry to highlight the main focal point.
I chose this photograph because I found the concept of a photographer, photographing themselves, while holding a camera to be very different. I also liked her relaxed and joyous composure.
The rest would be history as she would go on to photograph some of the most famous people in the world. The brilliancy of her work has completely broken any stereotypes of women being inferior photographers. Rachel Chambers of Art Culture wrote an article titled "Annie Leibovitz an American Icon" stating "Judging by the crowd outside of Benaroya Hall waiting to see Annie Leibovitz speak on November 19th, it was obvious that Seattle Arts and Lectures was hosting someone big. People stood outside with handmade signs asking for tickets—the scene was more akin to a sporting event or rock concert than what was, essentially, a book reading."
I work for the United States Coast Guard where we boast about how women can compete for any of the same jobs men do. Although we have not had a female Commandant (Highest Ranking Position within our Military Branch) we know the time is coming soon. I have worked with and for several females as my direct supervisor. It's always interesting to me to observe different leadership styles, and although men and women may lead their people differently sometimes. A woman who knows their job and does it well is sometimes more helpful in passing their knowledge along. Perhaps it's their motherly instinct, or maybe it's just the particular women I've worked for. Either way, I find women who have mastered their field to be exceptionally helpful when it comes to helping the next generation. Maybe this is why so many people waited outside the Seattle Arts waiting to hear what Annie had to say.

Photographer - Annie Leibovitz
Source -
Year Created - 2003
Contrast Appropriate - The Contrast in this photo has lots of bright and dark areas. The red and white beach balls and dagger wheel stand out dramatically to the overall neutral background. This creates a dramatic effect to the mood of the image.
What feelings does the Image Create? - This image captures your attention through the stark contrast of colors. But when you look closer at the peoples' faces you notice the serious look on the knife throwers face, and an almost desperate yet emotionless look on the girl on the wheel. This leaves you feeling almost emotionless yourself.
Is the Image black & white or color? - This image is in color and it had to be in color to capture the dramatic flare of the contrast. The photographer had the choice to select black and white or color, and she definitely chose the right fit.
I chose this photograph because the contrast of the colors really stood out to me. The colors caught my attention first, I then went on to view the rest of the photo to see the expressions on the peoples' faces.
Photographer - Annie Leibovitz
Source -
Year Created - 1991
Quality of Light - At first glance the light appears flat and bland, but as you see the way her pregnant body glows in the light; you realize how Annie used the light to highlight her focal points.
KEEP IT SIMPLE - Possibly the most beautiful and simple photo you can find. The photographer chose to only have the naked pregnant woman, and that's it!
Use of Shadows - Shadows were used to darken the areas that where not as important as the areas she wanted you to view. The pregnant belly, and the warm glow of the expectant mother are the main focal points; and that's where the light shines the brightest.
I chose this photograph because I remember seeing this picture when I was only 7 years old. I remember thinking to myself "Wow that's different." I'm not sure if anyone pregnant posed in this way ever before, but it seems like the thing to do nowadays.
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